Founded on the principal that technology should work for you.
We take complicated systems and create simple, elegant designs for users of any budget or scope. Whether it is simply mounting a television on a wall or developing an all-encompassing automation system, Tech Ops can provide your solution.
All of our clients are treated with the utmost respect and care, because here at Tech Ops every job is a special operation. Careful planning, scheduling, standards and, forethought are put into all of our undertakings. Our intimate involvement with emerging construction and technological trends allow us to present ourselves as a cutting edge "construction tech" company.
“Technology is teaching us to be human again.”
What This means to us
All though Simon Mainwaring may not have intended his quote to apply to our business model we see it as very relevant. To us technology should not be something that frustrates and pulls time away from your life. It should be a means to an end. Whether that end is sitting down with the family to enjoy a movie, lying in bed listening to your favorite music, gathering with your colleagues to discuss the future of your business, or prepping your restaurant for the big Friday night football game; the process for creating these events should involve less time spent fiddling with remotes and more time for you. For us the most important part of our job is to create systems that make our clients' lives less frustrating and strained by their systems. Our goals are satisfied when you can stop spending time making things work and direct it to the things you love.